May 30, 2023

Mr. Lance M. Fritz

President and CEO

Union Pacific Railroad Company

1400 Douglas Street

Omaha, NE 68179


Dear Mr. Fritz:

In 1947, shortly after World War II, a private group called the "American Heritage Foundation" wanted to do something to commemorate America as a country and ignite the flame of patriotism anew in the hearts of American citizens. Because of this, they worked with the railroads and the government institutions to put together a special train that would visit each of the 48 contiguous states of America. Known as the Freedom Train, it carried many different exhibits inside of it, including a copy of the Bill of Rights, a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation, and a copy of the Mayflower Compact.

This train traveled to each of the states, inspiring many Americans to keep the love for their country alive in the way that they lived. Even after the national tour ended in 1949 and the exhibits were returned to their institutions, people still had the fond memories of how it felt to have one love for the one country that they lived in.

Twenty-six years later, in 1975, another train was run for the Bicentennial celebrations, this time underneath the American Freedom Train Foundation, which was operated by Ross S. Rowland, Jr. The train, operating as the American Freedom Train, once again carried the exhibits, and expanded to include a replica of the Liberty Bell and one of the early lunar rovers. The train ran until 1976, and once again left a positive impact on the citizens.

In 2026, America will celebrate its 250th anniversary. Our hope is to see the American Freedom Train once again reignite patriotism in our citizens by running for this auspicious occasion.

We believe that the American Freedom Train will:

1.       Reunite Americans under the banner of patriotism, regardless of their political party.

2.       Reconnect the nation with the major milestones of its past through the exhibits and displays.

3.       It will help show that, despite our economic and social struggles, we are still the freest and finest nation in which to live.

I am a patriotic 17-year-old train enthusiast who is looking for the leaders of this country to rise to the occasion. If there is any event where the American Freedom Train should return to operation, the 250th anniversary of our nation would be it. I hope that you support this cause.

Let's work together to make this happen again!

Best regards,

Azariah's signature

Azariah Easey